Ordinary watering does not give the expected result, because the water itself does not contain all the necessary elements of nutrition. Therefore, plant owners have to apply fertilizer to the soil or feed it with water to create the right nutritious environment for their pets.
Why plants need fertilizer
All this organic matter decomposes and with rainwater is absorbed into the soil, from where it is sucked out by the roots. In this case, the duration of one cycle may take several years, but it does not create any special problems. The main thing is that there should be no drought or frost – the most dangerous natural enemies for plants.
At home, flowers get their nutrition from irrigation water. Its composition is too meager – some micronutrients are present, but not enough. The natural supply of necessary substances from outside is not to be expected. They can only be fed artificially, as a supplement.
If the soil is impoverished and no longer contains the components necessary for proper flower nutrition, the vitality of the plants will cease and be in danger of dying.
Signs of nutrient deficiencies in indoor plants
Lack of nutrition in plants is always reflected in their appearance:
- stoppage in growth, cessation of leaf and stem development;
- the appearance of yellowness, pale spots;
- leaves and stems become soft, lose density and elasticity;
- root rot appears.
Another sign is the lack of flowering – the plant stops giving peduncles, and the process can stretch for many months and even years. First it stops blooming, withers, stops producing new leaves or shoots. The scarcity of food forces it to spend everything on preserving the green mass already available, periodically dropping the oldest leaves.
How to choose the right kind of fertilizer?
In this case, errors of choice are inadmissible – each type of plant needs its own composition of fertilizer. If the composition is not correct, the flowers may die.
The first thing to do is to study the properties of the available plants. Each species retains a genetic memory of growing conditions in the wild. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the needs of all colors. One should know which elements are needed first and which should be discarded.
In addition, it is necessary to find out the dosage – excess fertilizer is no less harmful than their lack. All types of fertilizer should be applied in proper amounts, avoiding attempts to stockpile fertilizer. This is especially true of mineral fertilizers, which are sold as liquid or dry formulations. The amount of organic additives is not so critical, here are guided by other criteria – it spoils the appearance of pots with flowers, and often emits an unpleasant odor.
Types of fertilizers
There are many varieties of fertilizers for flowers:
- mineral;
- organic;
- complex.
In addition, there are growth stimulants and medicinal formulations to help plants cope with various problems. All of them are sold in specialized agro stores. Let’s take a closer look at them.
Mineral fertilizers
This is the main type of feeding that gives quick results. As a rule, such fertilizers are metal salts dissolved in water or made in the form of dry powder.
Liquid formulations are usually sold as concentrates. They should be diluted with water before use. The ratio is indicated on the package, as well as the expiration date (some preparations retain their working properties for a long time, while other substances should be used as soon as possible).
The easiest way to choose concentrates is by plant name. Most formulations are designed to feed certain flowers and are not suitable for other plants. The specialization is indicated on the packaging, sometimes it is a specific plant or a whole species (e.g. formulation for orchids, bromeliads, etc.). You should buy them with a shelf life in mind – there is no point in stocking up for several years if the composition is to be used in one year.
Peat, manure, compost, etc. can be used as organic fertilizer. It is strongly recommended to use store-bought fertilizer. It is prepared and sanitized. Using conventional organic materials is risky – you can introduce pathogens or pest larvae into the pot. In both cases, you will have to get rid of unwanted elements, which is quite difficult. In addition, pests or diseases from one flower box can spread to others and kill valuable ornamental plants.
The first application of organic matter should be made immediately after planting. Fertilizer is pre-mixed with soil. There must be drainage in the pot, otherwise the roots may rot. Something to consider – organics can give off an unpleasant odor. However, if the supplement is store-bought, the odor will disappear after 3-6 hours.
The mode of adding organics can vary. Most often, this is a monthly feeding – this is enough time for the mixture to fully break down. It should not be overdone, as it should be given time to decompose.
No organic fertilization is used for bulb or tuberous plants.
Complex formulations
These are mixtures of several substances, easy to use and very effective. Most plant breeders prefer complex formulations because of the balanced ratio of components.
Most formulations are based on potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The percentage ratio is indicated on the package, with the micronutrients named in English – N/P/K. For example:
- 11/6/9 – increased nitrogen favors the development of the plant;
- 7/9/13 – The predominance of potassium enhances flowering;
- 13/15/18 – general support, etc.
In addition to the basic components, complex types of fertilizers may contain other micronutrients as well as particles of organic matter. When purchasing a fertilizer, it is important to make sure it is suitable for the existing plants. Most often, such fertilizers have a general strengthening effect and are not able to do much harm, but it is necessary to clarify their purpose in any case. There may be contraindications for certain species or varieties of plants.
In addition, the following formulations are popular:
- potassium monophosphate. 1 teaspoon is diluted in 10 liters of water and feed plants during flowering;
- succinic acid. Growth stimulant. Dissolve 1 g in 5 liters of water. Use succinic acid only once a year;
These substances are complex compounds of salts of different metals, the ions of which promote the growth and flowering of plants.
folk remedies
Folk remedies for feeding are commonly referred to:
- eggshells. It is ground in a coffee grinder, previously freed from the film. Use in different ways, mixed with soil or placed at the bottom of the pot instead of drainage. You can also dilute a tablespoon in a liter of water, infuse for 2 weeks and use for watering once a month;
- sugar. This is an excellent fertilizer that gives quick results – plants come to life literally before your eyes. You can sprinkle sugar on the soil or dilute a tablespoon of sugar in half a liter of water and water the flowers with this solution once a month. However, it is necessary to combine such feeding with EM preparations, enriching plants with carbon dioxide. Without this, there is a risk of getting root rot;
- banana peel. Fill a glass jar one-third full with it and top it up with water. When the contents are fermented, you should dilute it with water 1 : 1 and feed the plants;
coffee grounds. It is mixed with soil and used to fertilize conifers, lilies, roses and other plants;
- orange or tangerine peels. Fill the jar one-third full with it and fill it to the top with boiling water. Infuse for 24 hours, then strain and dilute with water by 1/3. The resulting infusion is used for watering plants;
- wood ash. This is an effective fertilizer that contains a lot of useful microelements. Mix with soil before planting flowers;
General rules and timing of feeding
It is important to distinguish between the needs of flowers – in the developmental stage they need more nitrogen and potassium, and during the flowering process they need magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.
Fertilizer and fertilizer for garden plants should not be used. They contain a lot of potassium carbonate, which is dangerous for indoor flowers. In addition, you cannot feed plants in dry soil. This can cause root burn. It is also recommended that the procedure be done early in the morning or late in the evening. This helps protect the leaves from sunburn.
In any case, it is necessary to study the manufacturers’ recommendations and follow the specified ratios (dosage).
Submitted photos from our readers
Questions and answers
Home flower fertilization is a complex and very capacious area of plant science. For untrained people, it becomes a major problem and raises a lot of questions. The most frequent ones can be answered in advance to save users time and effort.
Это разные вещества и сравнивать их бессмысленно. Надо изучать свойства этих составов, чтобы уметь их правильно сочетать. Пока опыта нет, лучше использовать их по-отдельности, строго соблюдая инструкции производителей.
Они не прошли предварительную обработку и могут содержать возбудителей болезней или личинки вредителей. Поэтому рекомендуется делать отвары — обычное смешивание с почвой усиливает риск появления нежелательных проблем.
Теоретически, совмещать их можно. Однако на практике этого никогда не делают из-за опасности внести слишком много ненужных элементов. Правильнее использовать все составы отдельно, чтобы видеть результаты и не создавать путаницы.
Да, можно. Если развести в 3 литрах воды 100 г водки, можно оживить поникшие и захиревшие цветы. Правда, в данном случае это не подкормка, а лечение — обработка спиртом корней позволяет убить возбудителей болезней и активизировать их функции.
Можно, но это весьма рискованно. Дело в том, что вода из аквариума может содержать как полезные, так и вредные вещества. Для некоторых растений она может оказаться очень полезной, но для других цветов — губительной.